Sociable Soccer 24
Tower Studios
Legendary Sensible Soccer developer Jon Hare
was about to launch its newest cross-platform
arcade football title Sociable Soccer 24.
Games Branding boosted visibility for the
PC Steam launch and later drove anticipation
and awareness for the game's Nintendo Switch release.
★ 1,590 + coverage pieces secured among the press and content creators in the four months campaign.
★ Sociable Soccer 24 was covered in 43 countries worldwide with the top ones being USA, Brazil, Italy, Germany, Spain and UK.
★ 50 reviews and features secured for the PC release and 15 for the Nintendo Switch release.
★ 289+ streams & gameplays posted by the content creators around the world.
★ Interviews secured in top tier media such as The Guardian (UK) and Everyeye (Italy).